eBooks FAQs - e-Book Store

eBooks FAQs

What is a PDF?
PDF, or Portable Document Format, is the standard format for document interchange created by Adobe. We sell all e-books in PDF format only.
Can I buy eBooks for my Kindle?
No, sorry, Kindle is a 'closed' device so only content bought from Amazon can be viewed on a Kindle.
Can I buy multiple eBooks at the same time?
Yes, you can. In fact anything we sell on the site can be added to your shopping basket and will deliver it to you in the PDF format.
Can eBooks be returned?
No sorry, once the download has started even if you don't download the entire book, we're unable to cancel and refund your order. However, if you're not happy with the experience or there are content issues, please let us know so we can try to resolve this for you. Please contact our support team who will be able to help. Please make sure before you submit your order you know that you are ordering an eBook and this is the format you want. Please check before you attempt to download your eBook that it is compatible with your eReader or device as we cannot issue a refund once the content has been downloaded.
What do I do if I'm having a problem downloading or accessing my eBooks?
All the eBooks were deliver only by e-mail you provided. Don't worry, we're here to help! We'll need some information from you to help us solve your problem. Usually we'll want to know what version of Adobe Digital Editions you have, where you are attempting to download your eBook and where in the process the error occurred, a screen print of any error message, what device you're using, browser etc. Problems don't happen often but when they do they are usually quick and easy to resolve. 
Can I share my purchased eBooks with others?
eBook copyright rules only allow the purchaser to use the eBook for personal use. You may however put the eBook onto more than one device that is registered to you.
Can I download my eBook to more than one device?
Yes, as long as the device is registered within your Bookshelf* software, you can share your eBook on up to 6 authorised devices.
How do I return an eBook ordered in error?
Once an eBook order has been placed we cannot refund it regardless of whether the eBook has been downloaded to your computer or not.
I have deleted my email which contained the eBook download link, is my order now lost?
You can send e-mail to us on ebooks@mrgreatmotivation.com and we will happy to send you one more copy. In order to receive copy you need provide proof of payment and order number.
My downloaded eBook will not open
There can be a number of reasons that an eBook will not open, but the main reason is that the software needs to be updated. Please Click Here check that you have the most current version installed on your system.
How long are download links valid for?
eBook links will expire after two years. We would suggest that you create backup files and store your eBooks on one of the free cloud services such as Google drive, OneDrive or Dropbox to ensure you can still enjoy and access your ebook after the link expires.
Can I print my eBook?
This will vary from eBook to eBook as the rules governing the printing are dictated by the publisher. Therefore some eBooks will be fully printable; some will only allow a percentage of the eBook to be printed and some none at all. If you would like us to confirm what can be printed before an order is placed, please contact us as eBooks cannot be refunded once downloaded.
Do eBooks get updated as new revisions are released?
No. Much the same as a physical book, new revisions would require a new purchase.
Who do I contact if I have a problem?
Don't worry, we're here to help! Our customer and technical support teams can be contacted by email or phone. Email us at ebooks@mrgreatmotivation.com or WhatsApp us Monday to Friday 9am - 6pm, Saturday 9am - 5.30pm on+44 7404 526677. We will respond to your email within one working day.